They're angry because you don't fit the narrative both sides push. You transitioned outside the 'trans' ideology. That shows that you don't need all the ridiculous protection and validation they seek. You aren't a victim. You're not an identity group. You thrived. You didn't make a mistake. You are a transsexual. It's a difficult life. You made it work. Unfortunately, you became a poster boy for 'trans'...and some girls followed your example. This is the fault of the ideology. Without it, 99% of those transitioning now would never have done it. You know, it's not a normal thing. You know - bare bones - it's a choice. There are a very very small number of people with such severe gender dysphoria- for whatever the reason that have to transition. You are an inconvenience to the politics.

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Gc Feminists are a mixed bunch! I am a UK one, been around for a while, and don't like the shouty 'we are right all the time' attitudes on either side. But boy oh boy I support women's rights and women's private spaces.

I don't want sides. But experience tells me the tras are far far more aggressive and nasty than Feminists, and ordinary people even in the UK are losing their jobs for speaking out against a dangerous ideology that destroys lives and has become a cult.

I like what you do Buck. But I don't like porn in any form and know the dangers of online porn.

Yes maturity, having to take time to consider a serious move in life, and a realistic attitude to biology, seem to be the key ingredients of successful transition.... from an outsider perspective.

The transvestites I used to know as friends when I was younger never ever thought they were the opposite sex. It does appear that the transexual ppl who are realists about biology seem so much more content than those who have to rely on external approval and victimhood....and are obviously very unhappy.

I like Donna's attempt below at categorising different outlooks. We are now though at a point where we see good trans ppl and difficult trans ppl. The latter seem unwell to me as they are so angry and deluded. Why is this happening in such increased numbers to when you were young? Is it mental illness, is it polluted water? Is it capitalism and the confused human race evolving far too quickly? Is it impossible demands in relation to gender expectations? Some of it will be because surgery is more accessible....dangerous.

But we don't say to kids with eating disorders they can starve themselves when their brains are telling them to. So why do we say irs OK to lose your reproductive organs because you have an onner feeling as a young person, not yet mature?

I'll keep on reading and listening.

Keep doing what you're doing Buck! I think you're doing a lot of good. The more voices like yours the better. You are needed. But thank goodness you aren't saying what the ideologically captured can bear to hear, and really want to hear. X

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

Dear Mr. Angel,

I have the utmost respect for you and great appreciation for all your efforts in supporting women in this crazy ideologically driven transwomen are women attempted takeover. Might I add they the transgender putsch, are doing very well, and more ridiculously, with the support of women - that to me is the most incomprehensible aspect.

One reason some disgruntled (for whatever reason, too woke left, detransitioner etc.) women might be misguidedly attacking you may be that they actually do not grasp the "T" now has 3 quite different groups/cohorts which in my opinion as a 64 year old lesbian aren't what the T meant originally in as much as it had one meaning back then, just like the word "Queer" has be brought to another meaning than was understood prior to the mid-late 90s.

T #1 - transsexual, those with medically diagnosed dyphoria who make all such necessary steps toward living life as the opposite sex without demand on society for their validation, none of which is simple, easy or readily reversed once committed to.

T #2 - transvestites of 2 ilks being,

a. "Drag Queens" comprising predominantly homosexual men & mostly in the artistic showmanship and performance. Then we have . . .

b. Cross Dressers comprising mostly heterosexual men sexually aroused by their imagining themselves as women in what is essentially a sexual fetish (this category have morphed into the 3rd category) and was regarded as deviant and mostly kept behind closed doors or in private special clubs, these mens suffered equal social stigma as gay men if discovered.

T #3 - transgender, an open almost endless array of "feelings" based identities which through its chaotic and skewed subjectivity has opened the back-door, not only to cross-dressing paraphilic men to mount a coup on the entirety of the female domain and exercise their sexual fetishists openly, legitimately and with impunity as no one has the right to speak out against their doings lest it be hate speech irrespective of their behaviours for their claiming womenright over the top of natal women and their hard fought for and won rights.

If you disagree or can lend more colour to my thinking please do, it will be appreciated. Also I might not sound like I believe in live and let live, because I do. It's just that your life my life, the next person's life shouldn't diminish my rights and how I live. This is such a big topic but bottomline is women shouldn't be being disappeared from the dictionary let alone the everyday. There has to be a way for everyone to be without demolishing other social cohorts.

Long story short, and not everyone will see things as I do, but all said & done, your work is invaluable to all women throughout the western democratic world and I thanks you most sincerely.

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I see things exactly this way!

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If nothing else you serve as an example of what hormones will do to a woman’s body? Without them: not have facial hair, pattern baldness, and muscles I guess? I also remember back in the day you went into the porn world (don’t know if you earned a lot of $$$?) There was & still is a strong anti-porn contingent among feminist theorists. You don’t mention porn much from what I’ve seen (such as tough topic). Of course, you’re right we (still) have these schisms & we’d need massive changes before acceptance of, for instance, porn (nothing exploitive, ever). Or body modifications. You gotta do you 🤷‍♀️ You do seem articulate & I appreciate you putting your ideas out there. Thanks!

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